Wednesday 18 February 2009

Dear SeeFilmFirst

Dear SeeFilmFirst

As requested, I am writing to give my "feedback" for the film Confessions of a Shopaholic, for which I and 9 of my girlfriends got free tickets to see last night.

However, it is kind of difficult to give feedback on a movie WHEN YOU DON'T ACTUALLY GET TO SEE IT. Owing to, how shall I put this, a 'slight' over estimation of the number of seats available at the Panton Street Odeon, around 30 infuriated moviegoers were left stranded outside the theatre, armed with tickets and freshly bought popcorn.

Which begs the question, how do you over estimate a constant? It's not like the seats fought a battle in the middle of the night and some were violently dispatched. And even if such a preposterous notion came to be (because let's face it, it is a movie theatre and aliens have previously ridden into space on bicycles), do you not collaborate with the cinema manager who could inform you of a reduced number of seats by means of Seat Wars I?

You chuckle, but I can assure you that last night we were most certainly not laughing. I do realise that as our tickets were free, it's not quite the same thing as, say, paying £750 for a British Airways return flight to Cape Town, only to be told at check-in that BA has overbooked your flight by several navies, one Royal Parabat Battalion and the combined number of Allied Forces. And they'll get you on the next available flight, please calm down M'am, but they will not be able to guarantee that your luggage does not make a turn through Bolivia and perhaps take a short vacation in Yemen before it arrives on your doorstep.

Nonetheless, it was at your generous behest that we made our way down to the cinema last night, and the fact remains that we had every right to expect to see a movie. The fact further remains that the subsequent lack of free screenings of any sort forced us to make our way to Tiger Tiger for cocktails to calm our jangled nerves, and so we ended up spending money we don't have, on a night out we didn't really want, all to make up for the stinging rejection of the smarmy cinema manager at the Odeon who tossed us out of his establishment with all the aplomb of a shotput player.

SeeFilmFirst (or apparently in this case, SeefilmNotAtAll), we are sorely disappointed. More than disappointed, we are bereft, as our only reason for being last night was the prospect of watching Becky Bloomwood defy the credit crunch and shop up a storm up and down the streets of London.

Our disappointment would magically evaporate, however, if you organised another screening for those of us left behind. We're flexible on dates, really, although if you could avoid Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, that would be good. Oh, Mondays too - some of us are terrible company on Mondays, and it would be unfair to subject the rest of the group to the Grumps.

Thank you. I know you'll do the right thing.

Your previously biggest fan, now not so much, but with the potential to be so again,



Unknown said...


Not so much for your situation, but definitely the mild mannered account of the evening, including the descriptions!

I hope you get as close to VIP type apologies as possible!!!

Lopz said...

I sent it to them, and got the following reply:

Hi Lopz,

Apologies, I am looking into this matter now. In the meantime please forward me your postal address and I will send you a pair of complimentary tickets to a film of your choice.



Thats it! Think maybe she was a little put out by my, ahem, very descriptive account. I hope she laughed though ;-)

MidniteGem said...

You def have a knack for these complaints letters! I have been insprired of late to do the very same when I get poor service.

I complained about the late delivery of flower for Vday for my bf and the fact they arrived in a pile of mess. And got a refund, new flowers sent and a box of chocolates - oh yes and free tickets to the eden project!

Spear The Almighty said...

What the hell? They overbooked? That is stupid.

Lopz said...

I know, WTF right??? At least we get comps, but still - it's been almost a week and I haven't seen Shopaholic yet. Humph.

AngelConradie said...

oh good grief...
communication, communication, communication!!! especially applicable to a promo company!!