Monday 7 July 2008

Don't Stop Me Now

On Friday night I had the house to myself. This happens to me about twice a year, if I'm lucky, and I'd been looking forward to it all day. I had visions of popcorn and chocolate ice-cream, french manicures and hot bubble baths, chick flicks and good books. What actually happened was quite different. I went for a quick drink after work, having enlisted the help of a colleague to make sure I left after one. Sacrificing this gift of Me Time for an evening of getting pissed at the pub would have been a travesty, but still, I knew I'd need help to get out the door as planned. I am weak in the face of a good party. With a fair amount of coaxing, I overcame the temptation to throw in the pampering towel after my first glass of wine, and left like the disciplined soldier of relaxation that I am. I came home to a satisfyingly empty house, spread my arms in wonder and breathed a huge sigh of relief.....and promptly set about cleaning the lounge and kitchen.

You see, I am the type of person that struggles to relax. Even when watching a movie with a group of friends, I constantly feel the need to be doing something else. Multi-tasking is not just a job for me; it is a way of life. If I'm watching tv, I have to be painting my nails during the boring bits. If I'm making supper, I have to be reading a book while the pasta simmers. Incidentally, reading is one of those things that stresses me out, because I can't do anything else while I'm concentrating on a book. I LOVE to read - I read everywhere and everything (Shoes gets annoyed with me because I'll read a cereal box in a supermarket aisle if he stops the trolley for long enough). But it does go against my personal policy of never doing just one thing at a time. Sometimes I get over my guilt by reading whilst on the crosstrainer or stairmaster. At least then I can say I'm getting fit both mentally and physically. I've always had an overabundance of energy; as a child I struggled to sit still, and my attention span to this day is ridiculously short.

Anyway, when I got home and had spent a moment soaking up the pleasure of my solitude, I noticed out the corner of my eye that the counters were still dirty from breakfast. Also, the floor was covered in crumbs. And the stove - well, it looked like someone had been making gallons of milk tart.* Sitting down on the couch and putting a movie on was out of the question. I would only be satisfied once the house was spotless, and I could relax legitimately. Yes, this really is how I think - if there is something else I could be doing, relaxing is not allowed. Hence my need to go to gym a lot - it actually slows me down and allows me to zone out and not focus on everyday distractions.

I dutifully cleaned up the mess while my supper simmered on the stove (another 2 for 1 - I was happy). By the time I'd finished cleaning and eating, it was already 9pm. The housemates were expected back around 11pm. Just enough time for a movie. Determined to at least get in 1 aspect of my original plan, I set some popcorn to cook** on the stove, and whizzed round my room picking up clothes until I heard the first pops that signalled I was needed in the kitchen. Finally at around 9:20pm, I sat down on the couch with my ginormous bowl of popcorn to watch Music and Lyrics with Hugh Grant. Of course, I had to stop it three times; once to get some water, again to make coffee and a third time to find the blue nail polish so I could do a touch up.

I was 20 minutes into my second movie, Catch and Release with Jennifer Garner, when Shoes returned home from working late. Eyes and Scarf arrived back from dinner shortly afterwards, and we spent some time hanging out in the kitchen discussing our evening. I was, of course, making a shopping list while we talked. One day I will figure out how to do a second activity while sleeping. It is one of my main goals in life.
*See this post for an explanation.
** Does popcorn cook? Simmer? Sautee?

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