Saturday, 31 March 2007

House Party Time!

I'm trying to get a very quick post in before all the guys go downstairs to put sound in Neutrino's car, and I'm left upstairs with the chicks, for which my presence will be required in the lounge (blogging, while connecting me with potentially millions in the outside world, is seen as a very anti-social activity in this house).

I don't usually post on the weekend, as it is hard to sit and gather one's thoughts when one's housemates are running amok. Today everyone is a little more over-excited than usual (for normal people this is probably approaching hyperactive levels), as it's the first time in a while that our whole group is getting together for drinks and general mayhem. The occasion (not that we need an excuse) is a general celebration for everyone who had birthdays in March, as well as to welcome Mello back from her recent trip to Cape Town. It's at Hatty's house - our neighbour and Eyes' brother-in-law, a little later this evening. The guys have all just rushed downstairs in a whirlwind of technical postulating and testosterone to stand around and loudly gesticulate and critique while Shoes installs Neutrino's sound system - he's been promising for weeks to do it, and it has turned into quite an event, for which all male members must be present for some pre-requisite bonding. Mello, Scarves and I are probably going to do something very Stepford Wives-like, such as ice the cake Scarves has just baked (which was supposed to me for Mello for her birthday, then the realisation dawned that I didn't get a cake for mine, so it was subequently renamed the joint cake; then OJ arrived, and as it was his birthday in March as well, it is now a three-way cake.... I'm waiting to see who else will jump on the bandwagon and how thin these slices of cake will eventually be).....

I thought I'd just update you all on my job situation, which is, as of yesterday, Finally Employed. I've got a month's temp gig at the company I posted about previously - an events and development company for London - but not the positon I originally wanted. That fell through, so I'm covering for a temp that's been in there for the last 6 months, and is now taking a month's leave to go to Morrocco (although, having spoken to him yesterday, I don't think the company realises the extent of his eccentricity - his plan is to start in Marrakech, wonder randomly around Morrocco for a month and then, if the fancy takes him, to jump on a cargo ship and see where he ends up..... I thought at first he was a free spirit, now I just think he's mentally unbalanced). So there's probably a chance I could stay longer, but as I am a team PA for 10 people, it's a slight diversion from the course on which I am trying to steer myself, so I plan to use the time to sink my claws into a role I'm really interested in. I would have said yes to anything on Thursday though - the pre-panic of the beginning of the week gave way to a dramatic tantrum of snot en trane by Wednesday night. I was convinced no-one would ever want to hire me and that I am lacking in everything from valuable work experience to relationship skills - none of which was made any better when Shoes helpfully suggested that it was strange that housemate - and my junior by 7 years - Scarves never had trouble getting work and never had to drop her rate to get the roles she wanted.... yeah, sometimes men just REALLY know what to say.

Anyway, it's great team and an awesome location - the offices have floor to ceiling glass windows that look out over Central London - I can even St Paul's on the one side. Everyone is very passionate about what they are doing and it's nice to be amongst people who are enthusiastic about making a difference. I'm going to sneak off to the events department and find out exactly what their issue is though; that was where I wanted to be, and I damn well want to meet this person whose fault it is that I am now in a role which is causing me to stray off course.

Ok, I must rush, the coven is calling; I am needed for girly activities in the lounge (did I mention I HATE icing?). If I'm not too drunk I might post about my night later, but it will more likely be tomorrow afternoon over a cup of strong coffee and a few dozen fried eggs. :-)

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