Tuesday, 27 March 2007

We Will Rock You!

I've been slacking lately, and not just on blogging, but also on practising my guitar, starting my Teach Yourself Spanish Course (Eyes and Scarves bought me the book and audio guide for my brithday after I'd expressed a desire to learn it) and generally doing things I want to do. Instead, I keep getting stuck on facebook and msn. It's fun on the one hand, as I get to talk to everyone back home whom I hardly ever see, but it does get frustrating, because I find myself getting so sucked in, that when I plan to do something like go to gym, it takes me 2 hours from when the idea forms in my head until I get out the door. I know I know, you're thinking why don't I just say, ok, bye everyone, and just close my windows. Believe me, I ask myself this a lot. But I guess it's because lately I've been getting really excited about getting in touch with people I lost contact with ages ago. Suddenly, my network of friends on all levels has grown exponentially, and for the most part, I am really interested in what everyone has to say and where they're at in their lives. So I'm enjoying it, but at the same time, I think I'm a bit sad because I have all this wonderful time off in between jobs, and I'm wasting it sitting at my pc, doing exactly what I will be doing when I do finally get a job - although perhaps not to such a great extent. Anyway, I was trying to post this earlier when my left eye developed a rather alarming tic, which made it almost impossible for me to read letters on the screen - and forced me to finally shut down facebook. As I write, I am making a mighty effort to resist opening it again so I can see if anyone has answered my messages. Wow, I am such a loser.

I'm still waiting for my agency to get back to me about this month long temp role. The line manager was still off sick yesterday (took an extra long weekend) and Witch X informed me I would definitely know by close of play today whether or not I've got it, and if I do, I'll start tomorrow. Of course, knowing my agency, I will only find out at 17h29, just as they are about to leave for the day, and I'll get a last minute rushed call just telling me where to be and when. It's always an experience, showing up at a company with skeletal information - it feels a bit like a lamb being led to the slaughter. Not because I'm going to die obviously, but because there's always the chance as a temp that you'll walk into a role that is worse than death, and you spend your time considering the many ways to at least fake your death so you don't have to go in the next day. I've only had one of these so far; as a receptionist for an architect's firm. It's not that the people were horrible or anything. In fact, they were quite nice, in a bland, colourless, incredibly boring kind of way. And the work.... Well, I answered phones. And did about 5 minutes of filing. I'd rather stand on my head and make tea for 50 with my toes. The most exciting thing I did in 2 weeks was pop out to the Tesco's to get some biscuits - they were extremely particular about their biscuits (I thought they were going to declare a national emergency when Tesco's ran out of jaffa cakes).

So I wait for my last minute call, with the last minute jumble of too-little information, and hope that tomorrow I will be working, as up til now, it's been awesome to be off, but pre-panic is setting in (the marker that tells you if things do not go the way you want them to, a full blown panic attack is on the cards).

Tonight Shoes and I are going to We Will Rock You. I'm understandably quite over-excited about this. I have attended musicals with my parents ever since I was little - I think my first ever was Annie, or perhaps the Sound of Music - and it's been a long dry spell without over the top actors in hot pants and tights (ok, that was Joseph, the von Trapp children were fully clothed). I intend to embarrass my boyfriend by standing up at every opportunity and clapping and singing along loudly to Queen's greatest hits. He's the shy type in this sense, preferring to go unnoticed by sitting down all the way through and only clapping with his pinkies. Definitely not in danger of getting the urge to hop up on stage and do an impromptu freestyle with the chorus - unlike me, who ends up harbouring pangs of loss for my lack of involvement with musical theatre after every show. I suppose you can't have two drama queens in a relationship though - who'd take centre stage?

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