Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Success! Well, one small step for man....

Finally! I have made contact with the witches coven. Receptionist Witch 1 took my first call this morning, and put me through to Agent Witch 1. Agent Witch 1 then promised to leave a message for Agent Witch X - my agent (who is allegedly off sick - personally I think she's recovering from brewing trouble last night with her cronies at her local) - and hung up, assumingly to gloat at having blown off another needy jobseeker. After lunch, I called again to seek advice from another witch, and Receptionist Witch 2 put me through to Agent Witch 2, with pretty much the same result.

Then - goodness gracious goody magaftus - I was contacted by THEM! An almost unheard of manouvre in Witch City, where they only contact you if they are certain you're secure (read: inextricably tied up in) a job, and they know they won't actually have to do anything. This time, it was Team Leader Witch who replied to my e-mail to Agent Witch X, affirming X's unfortunate illness (severe hangover), and offering her services. But, alas, I knew it was be too good to be true, for when I phoned TLW, she was out (this literally 2 minutes after her e-mail came through - uh huh, yeah, whatever). So I left a message with Receptionist Witch 3 (or perhaps it was 1 or 2, I've lost track), requesting TLW to return my call. And she did!!! *shrieks with joy and does the Forrest Gump hip swivel*

TLW requested that I send my updated CV (I actually didn't send it on Monday, blush blush), and promised to alert all fellow witches that the hunt is on. She also promised to chat to Agent Witch X first thing tomorrow morning.

So, people, while I hesitate to expect TOO much from today's spoils, I might, just MIGHT, actually have some options by the end of tomorrow. Touch broomsticks.

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