Monday, 12 March 2007

Sunny Side Up

This weekend was the warmest for a while - a sure sign Winter's on its way out, and a sticky, muggy, windless Summer is on its way in. On Friday we had our first braai on the balcony of Spring 2007, and as Sunday was 16 degrees, my housemates and I rushed outside in t-shirts - we're truly becoming more English by the day. In Cape Town, 16 degrees dictates warmish jackets. Here, we're practically ready to take a trip to the beach!

Things we're looking forward to in Summer:
1. Braais on our balcony
2. Trips to the park - in the absence of beaches and forests, we have taken to English park life like ducks to water, and can usually be found in Greenwich park with a picnic on warm weekends
3. No gloves, scarves, beanies, and arctic jackets that make you look 3 times the size you really are, and are REALLY annoying because everytime you get inside/on public transport, you have to peel off all the layers so you don't faint with the heat
4. Travelling!
5. A tan - finally I can stop the incessent puchasing of fake tan and all the great fanfare that goes along with applying it (another post altogether)

Things we're not looking forward to in Summer:
1. The annoying, disrespectful, bloody-minded noisy chavs in the apartments oppsite us - they have parties on their balcony until 3am during the week, forcing us to close our windows to drown out the noise and thereby sleep in pools of sweat as our bedrooms sit at 30 degrees.
2. Paying a "heating maintenance" bill in the middle of summer, despite the fact the we have never once used our central heating (even in Winter)... ??????????
3. The god-awful stench of B.O. on the tubes in rush hour - imagine a sock, which has been left out in the rain for one Winter. Take this sock, rub it in pickled fish, and leave to dry in the sun. Sprinkle with pooh scraped from the bottom of someone's shoe, and then stuff into your nostrils. This is what it smells like on the tubes.

We went to see The Number 23 last night - Jim Carrey's new movie. It was... shall we say, random? Far fetched? A tad silly? It goes like this: our hero Jim (Walter) becomes obssessed with a book his wife buys for him called The Number 23. The author of the book writes about his own obssession with this number (pointed out in a series of random links such as adding up the letters of your name to make 23), which found him and lead him to do all sorts of terrible things. Walter than finds himself mirroring the author's obssession with the number, and descending into a state of dark confusion and manic obssession. The trailor looked great - spooky, creepy, full of suspense. Aaah, if only trailors were able to be both appealing and truthful at the same time! So many movies out today hook you with the most dramatic and thrilling of trailors, only to flop dismally once the entire story plays out in front of you. Next on our list is 300, another movie with a trailor so good it gives you goose bumps. I wonder if this one will live up to our hype?

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