Thursday, 15 March 2007

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

I am having a happy day. A day where you wake up, look out the window at the shining sun, stand on the balcony with your cup of coffee wearing only short sleeves, and you just know the world is finally turning right side up.

To bring you up to speed, 2007 has so far not been filled with many happy days for me. I'm not a great believer in luck or karma (the latter mostly because I don't believe it works properly - how much justice do you really see in this world?), but I am prepared to say under the circumstances that either I have done something very out of synch with the universe or I am being tested for some reason which eludes me. Without going into an hour long rant, I will attempt to jot down the more challenging things I have faced this year:

*My sister leaving - it was harder than I thought it would be to see her go after we'd grown so close in our year and half together in London.
*EVERYONE - all friends, family, even people I don't particularly like - going back to Cape Town for the same two weeks in February, while my boyf Shoes and I were stuck here. We were at our lowest point the Sunday everybody left, and the two weeks that followed were filled with very little conversation and alot of naked aching for everything home represents.
*Trouble in paradise - every relationship goes through bad patches, ours just hit the rocks at a very bad time considering everything else that was going on (happy to report we're over the worst, though).
*My job situation - I have been bored to the point of paralysis for the last 4 months, and have been trying to get out for a while now, but for some reason have felt like this position is sucking me in like quicksand, and clawing through it onto the other side has been an almighty effort (again, things looking up in that regard).
*Money - when is this not a problem! A few events such as visas and a holiday we couldn't afford put us in a bad place when we wanted to start the year debt free (happy to say, we're on the up and up there as well - wow, look at this, I almost have a good to balance every bad!).
*Turkey. The Turkey debacle deserves its own exclusive rant, which I'm sure I will post as the time draws nearer for my friends to head off to a jewel of sun and sea, leaving me behind in stinking London (it's not stinking now, you see, but you can be sure it will be smelling like cat piss by the time they go). For now, suffice it to say that due to unforseen passport issues, I will be unable to join them (boyf included) on the holiday of a lifetime. Ok, red alert, blood is starting to boil.... moving on.
*Small things. Everybody has small things that they deal with on a daily basis that get them down. I, like you, have been dealing with my fair share of little disappointments and irritations. However, because I have been feeling like a tennis ball being smacked to and fro by John McEnroe in a vile temper, these small things have been magnified into insurmountable obstacles. Consequently, what is usually a water off a duck's back situation now resembles the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.
*London Winter. It is only now that I appreciate the true effect the weather can have on one's general outlook on life. Winter = Depression: there's really no way around it.

So why the sudden about-face? Well, it's quite simple - the sun came out. For the last week or so, we've had a run of sunny days complete with blue skies and weather balmy enough so that you need only the thinnest jacket over a summer top (no you spoilt Capetonians, this doesn't mean it's 22 degrees; it's between 14 and 16). And with the sun, came a welling of hope that maybe, just maybe, the rest of 2007 might actually be worth looking forward to (I had my finger hovering on the fast forward button; I was truly prepared to sacrifice a year of my life to see the sizeable ass of this year).

And so, as I get into work this morning and plop into my chair, all sunny smiles and cheery greetings; I turn on my pc and what do I see? An e-mail from housemate Eyes, which can be explained in one picture:


"And in other news, London is being treated for a severe case of schizophrenia."

Somebody pass the prozac.

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