date 16 Oct 2007 17:28
subject Application - Fabric
Firstly can I take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to come in and see us for a second time yesterday.
As you may know we had an amazing response and our decision was made even more difficult because the candidates were without exception of a high caliber and all fully employable.
Nevertheless and after careful consideration I am afraid we will not be taking your application further.
On a personal note, although I am sure it is of little consolation to you, I was extremely impressed by both your skills, your desire for the job and the way you conducted yourself, please do not feel too disheartened.
Once again thank you for the time you have put into these interviews. I really am sorry – PA and I feel really flat! However we really appreciate the interest you have shown in Fabric and wish you all the very best for the future.
Yours sincerely
And then, on my reply in which I thanked him for his e-mail and asked if there was anything I could have done differently, this:
from LabelManager
date 16 Oct 2007 19:25
subject Application - Fabric
Hi Lopz
Truth be told you did absolutely nothing at all wrong there was just another candidate who had a direct skill set that would add real weight to our business.
When its so close between candidates it might only be the smallest thing that tips it so certainly don’t change your approach.
Thanks again for taking the time and I wish you all the best
Kind regards
Oh that is really lovely! I wouldn't feel disheartened with a letter like that :)
Remind me to take some time during work today to write a list of people to email out! I promise I will get to it!
You know something awesome is going to come your way. You won't be upset about the hours or anything!! And the pay will suit you without your having to fret about it. This is a really nice letter though...
Thanks ladies. I'm definitely not feeling as bad as I could have; if I have to get rejected, this is the way I'd always like it to be!
However, I'm still disappointed and a little discouraged.... just need a couple of days to get back to my normal self and get hunting again. :-)
Wow, and most jobs these days don't even send out rejection letters. You should feel special.
Tell me about it; I can can't count the number of times people have just not gotten back to me. It definitely does help to ease the sting!
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